The History of Rock Music

Rock music has been traced back all the way to the 1940's coming from diffrent music genres like blues and jazz but, eventually becoming its on genre of music in 1954 going under the tittle Rock and Roll. Further genrations the rock music has changed and diffrent branches of Rock came from Rock and Roll but, no matter what genration of rock you listen there has always been great bands, albums, venues, singers and everyhting in between that made rock music a very poplure style of music to billons of people around the world.




This Website will show you the rich history of Rock Music and what each decaded contributed to the genra of Rock starting with the 60's all the way to the 00's also will show famous albums, venues and stats that you might of never heard before.

Content - 60's page 70's page 80's page 90's page 00's page